Inspire CPD For Therapists

Courses coming up

2nd September - Exploring the Mother Wound
Mothers occupy a special place in the therapy room. There is seldom a client whose story is not impacted in some way by their relationship with their mother. For so many clients the ‘good enough mother’ was not a concept they experienced - often leading to a profound ‘mother wound’. This course gives you ideas for your work with clients but also insight into your own mother relationship!

16th September - Working with Suicidality
Working with suicidal clients is one of the most challenging aspects of being a counsellor or psychotherapist. In this new(ish) course we look at suicidal thoughts, risk assessment and identifying which clients may just talk about suicide and which may be at greater risk of carrying it through. We'll also cover what happens if you have a client die by suicide, considering interactions with the Police & Coroner's Court.

SATURDAY 16th November - Pre Trial Therapy Guidelines in depth
As many of you know we generally deliver training on Mondays with occasional other days of the week offered. We're offering this essential & enlightening course on a Saturday for the first time! So it might be your only opportunity if Mondays don't work for you. Grab a place while you can!

For more information see full list of workshops and dates below. If you have a query or anything isn't clear please contact us via the email link.

How to book a place

Complete the online booking form on the bookings page. You'll receive an automatic email confirmation, which includes instructions on how to pay. Your place is not confirmed until we receive payment. Once payment is received you'll receive an email confirming your place.

We send joining instructions approximately a week before each course.

2024. Special Offer Sml Green Anim

Cost of courses

All courses on zoom cost £85 from March 2023. Workshops in the room are £95. We are currently offering a discount of £25 if you book 3 of our Trauma series or £40 off if you book on all 4.

Workshop location - we remain online

We've decided due to the success of our delivery of workshops on zoom we will remain on that format for the time-being. Please be assured that they are just as interactive and practical as when we deliver in the room. We've really great feedback and 99.9% saying they'd do a zoom workshop with us again.

Although we can understand that some people would like in the room training, and in fact we like delivering it, there are great advantages to working online which mean that for now the majority of our training is delivered this way.

  • You don't have to travel is the number one reason for most people
  • It's more cost effective
  • People can access our training from anywhere in the country (and abroad!)
  • You're in the comfort of home or work

    We do everything we can to make our training as similar to being in the room as we can.... and we're pretty successful at doing that! We always get positive feedback and often it's something like "this was the best zoom training I've ever done!"

    If you'd like to attend our training but would prefer "in the room" then do email us to let us know as that's what will encourage us to consider doing so!

  • 2024. mother

    Exploring the Mother Wound

    Feedback from JJ from 1.11.21 - "Thank you for such a fantastic training. One of the best I think for me not only with you but in my whole entire life of counselling. Thank you."

    Date: 2nd September 2024
    Time: 9.30 - 3.30
    Where: Zoom £85

    Mothers seem to occupy a special place in the therapy room. There is seldom a client whose story is not impacted in some way by their relationship with their mother. For so many clients the ‘good enough mother’ was not a concept they experienced - often leading to a profound ‘mother wound’. In this workshop we look at the impact of mothers who are:

  • Narcissistic
  • Emotionally unavailable/Abandoning
  • Controlling or smothering
  • Abusive

    We will explore ways of working with clients that can both help to identify the mother wound and take steps towards its healing.

  • 2024. handdrowning

    Working with suicidality

    *** NEW COURSE ***

    Date: 16th September 2024
    9.30 - 3.30

    One person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world. By the nature of our work every therapist can expect to experience at least one suicidal client. Clients who have suicidal thoughts and managing the risk of that are two things that therapists can find most challenging in their work. The fear of judgement should a client die by suicide can invade the therapeutic space, interfering with the relationship. Wherever you are working it can feel scary and lonely to carry the weight of suicidal clients. Therapists may feel compelled to break confidentiality rather than risk censure. So how do we manage the balance? In this new workshop we will look at this subject from both an experiential and practical perspective. In particular we will look at the cutting edge IMV model of suicide and how that assists us in having a much clearer idea of who may be most at risk.

    In this workshop we will we will:

  • Give space to our thoughts and understanding of suicide and its impact on us as therapists and how our own attitudes to suicide may impact the therapeutic relationship
  • Investigate who is most at risk of dying by suicide
  • Explore what suicidal pain is like for our clients
  • Look at the myths and misunderstandings that still exist around this subject
  • Learn why talking about suicide is so important
  • Understand the impact of the media on suicidal behaviour
  • Learn more about the Integrated Motivational-Volitional (IMV) model of suicide behaviour. This helps us understand the pathway from mental pain to suicidal thoughts to acts of suicide, so aiding our risk assessment and ongoing decision making and interventions
  • Understand how traits such as perfectionism as well as the impact of early life experiences add to a client’s vulnerability
  • Explore 8 key factors that are associated with an increased likelihood that someone will act on their suicidal thoughts
  • Look at safety planning – how we can use this both in work with new clients and with long term clients
  • Explore how our own attitudes to suicide may impact the therapeutic relationship,
  • Consider our ethical/legal obligations regarding breaching confidentiality and outline what happens if we lose a client by suicide
  • Look at therapist self care

  • 2024. Dissociation

    Working with complex PTSD & Dissociation

    23rd September 2024
    9.30 - 3.30
    On Zoom

    The impact of childhood abuse or neglect and of living in dysfunctional environments has long lasting effects on our clients. We need to understand the impact of long-term abuse, the role of shame and how dissociation presents in the therapy room to work effectively and safely with this client group. In this new workshop we’ll consider

  • The role of dissociation in CSA
  • Complex PTSD and dissociative disorders
  • Parts of self
  • Understanding why shame is so important to appreciate when working with traumatised clients
  • Treatment strategies based on body therapies, internal family systems parts work, mindfulness techniques, and polyvagal theory
  • The challenges of working with this client group and understanding your own limits

    This course was full of so many little gems - I can't possibly pick out one thing - thank you!

  • 2024. handstouching

    Adult Attachment & Relationship: What does it mean for therapy?

    7th October 2024
    Time: 9.30 - 3.30
    Where: zoom
    Cost: £85

    Moving on from Bowlby, we look at the latest in adult attachment theory and how it impacts on client, therapist and the therapy as a whole. We will look at the links between trauma and attachment and the latest neuroscience developments. As with all our workshops we'll take a practical look at how we can utilise current knowledge in our work with clients and what it adds to our understanding of how we work with our clients. Inevitably with this course we'll look at our own attachment styles and ways of being in relationship with others.

  • Polyvagal theory and right and left brain attunement
  • Attachment through a somatic lens
  • The theory of adult attachment, primary and secondary systems, and where does it ‘fit’ in terms of emotional resilience?
  • Polyvagal theory and right and left brain attunement
  • Attachment through a somatic lens
  • How does a client’s attachment history affect therapy?
  • Why is it important to have an understanding of attachment when working with traumatised clients?
  • How does therapist attachment style impact the therapeutic relationship?
  • What’s the latest neuroscience around attachment? What does it mean for therapy?

  • 2024. ripples

    The Unwanted Legacy - Generational Trauma

    14th October 2024
    9.30 - 3.30
    On zoom

    We know from our training that the roots of our adult selves go right back to our first experiences, as well as being influenced by our genetic inheritance from our parents. But what if both of these ‘nature and nurture’ influences were even more nuanced?

    Scientists in the emerging field of epigenetics have discovered the mechanism that allows lived experience and acquired knowledge to be passed down the generations. This means that an individual’s life experience doesn’t die with them but endures in genetic form.

    What this means for therapy is that although how our parents treated us – and whether our needs were met is important – that the source of our client’s feelings of pain may also lie within the stories of their parents and grandparents rather than in their own. Fragments of life experience, memories and body sensations can live on as if reaching out from the past to try and find resolution in the present.

    In this workshop we will weave together the groundbreaking research with therapeutic exercises, and clinical examples to give you a different way of approaching trauma work.

    Specifically, we will:

  • Explore recent developments in the fields of biology, neuroscience, epigenetics and developmental psychology – all of which now suggest that we need to look back at least 3 generations to understand the mechanism behind patterns of trauma and suffering that repeat.
  • Look at why this understanding may be so profound for our clients, particularly if their feelings don’t seem to make sense. For some it may be the influence of a very personal family trauma that played out for their grandmothers, for others it may be the pervasive influence of a more global tragedy that impacted their mother before they were born.
  • Look at how a ‘family consciousness’ or ‘unconscious loyalties’ may be influencing our clients now.
  • Learn how to identify unique patterns of inherited family trauma using questions, genograms and family trees
  • Take a more nuanced look at the impact of attachment in the light of this new knowledge and identify ways of reparenting the inner child
  • Discuss other practical ways of working with clients to bring new insight and relief, and in particular to try and help clients break the cycle of transgenerational trauma.

  • 2024. Russiandolls

    Using Nesting Dolls & other objects

    11th October 2024
    9.30 am TO 3.30 pm
    On ZOOM
    COST: £85

    Would you like to work creatively with clients using nesting dolls or other objects?

    Do you worry about how to introduce these methods?

    Have you used them yourself and found it enlightening but lack confidence to do it with your clients?

    If so this workshop will help to give you the confidence you need to expand your therapeutic repertoire in a way that will help clients to explore the different aspects of self, or relationship dynamics

    On this practical AND experiential workshop we will cover:

  • General principles when working creatively
  • What, when & how
  • Safety considerations
  • Practical examples of how to use these methods
  • Demonstrations using nesting dolls
  • Using dolls to unpack layers of life/aspects of self/parts work
  • Using dolls to work with shame, anger or grief
  • Opportunities for experiential practice
  • Using creative methods remotely
  • Questions & Answers

    This course is suitable for anyone who would like to bring more creativity into their therapy or supervision practice. It’s suitable for qualified counsellors, psychotherapists, supervisors, coaches as well as therapists in training.

  • 2024. PRIVACY

    Pre Trial Therapy Guidance - New Guidance published in 2022

    We waited a long time for this revision of the Pre Trial Therapy guidance and it was finally published in 2022. It's safe to say in many areas of the country the Police & CPS are still getting to grips with it... and many therapists are unaware of its existence!

    In this new and completely rewritten workshop we will consider what the impact is for therapy and therapists. As well as covering all the important and fundamental principles we will allow plenty of time for you to ask questions and we'll use case studies to bring it to life.

    Pre Trial Therapy Guidance - in depth

    Saturday 16th November 2024 ***Generally our training is on Mondays so this may be your opportunity to do this course on a different day of the week ***
    Time: 9.30 to 3.45 pm
    Cost: £85
    Where: On zoom

    After attending delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the requirements of the new PTTG in relation to therapy work
  • Recognise the need to balance the principles of confidentiality of client data with the Attorney General’s guidelines on disclosure and understand why this matters for therapists
  • Recognise the components of current GDPR and Data Protection legislation in order to comply with the requirements of the law & current Ethical Frameworks
  • Revise and adapt current privacy notice, contracts and PTT guidance for clients and service users in order to comply with the new PTTG guidance and current legislation on data protection
  • Demonstrate increased knowledge & understanding of the legal system
  • Inform clients of the implications for therapeutic work and future therapy of reporting to the police
  • Describe to clients the importance of understanding the PTTG and of any contract changes which may result from the criminal proceedings
  • Handle requests from the police for disclosure of therapy records
  • Recognise general principles around good note keeping & additional requirements where a client reports SV to the police

  • 2024. Silenced

    Working with Silence

    2nd December 2024
    9.30 - 3.30
    On zoom

    Details to follow.

    2024. orangewhirl

    Creating Transformative Relationships in Supervision - a course for Supervisors

    9th December
    9.30 am to 3.30 pm

    We ran our first workshop for supervisors in July 2021 and we loved it and so did the delegates.... so we want to keep on doing at least one per year.

    It will provide a space for supervisors to think and reflect on their relationships with supervisees and the process of supervision. This will be an experiential course but based on well understood & researched theories of supervision. We'll utilise theories of integrative & person-centred supervision as well as other models such as Appreciative Inquiry and the 7 Eyed Model of Supervision devised by Robin Shohet & Peter Hawkins.

    We don't see many courses for supervisors so we wanted to offer something which we'd want to attend! Something that gives you time and space with other supervisors to think & reflect on the work.

    We will offer:

  • Time & space to think, reflect & simply be present

    This time we'll consider:

    Dual relationships - what's OK? What isn't? Where's the line?
    Inevitably we'll be looking at boundaries, the ethics around this, how to work with this if a supervisee has a very different view from you. And lots more besides!

  • Pricing & Cancellation policy

    Just a word on pricing....
    From 1st March 2023 we will charge £85 for Zoom courses, and £95 for any "in the room".

    Fees are non-refundable. However, if you cancel 4 weeks or more prior to a course you can transfer your booking to another of our courses. Whilst we fully appreciate that life often happens last minute, we need time to be able to try and sell your space to another delegate, so we cannot simply transfer you to another course. If you cancel late we do offer you the option to re-book another course within the next 12 months at half price.

    Running training courses is administratively hard work. We know that for most training organisations if you cancel you simply lose your fee completely, and many also charge a fee for amending bookings. We take the view that our policy is the fairest way of doing things, and whilst we realise not everyone will agree with us we have to have a plan & policy in place, which we hope people will understand and accept.

    Booking Information

    To book onto any of our courses please complete the online booking form on the bookings page.
    You'll be sent confirmation of your booking once you've made payment.

    If you have any specific needs around accessibility, suitability of courses or questions regarding this please do email us.

    We look forward to seeing you on one of our courses!

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